Ignite Your Inner Power

Erfolgsbuch kostenlos: Zoi Georgie - Ignite Your Inner Power
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  • „Zoi's book turned out to be a much needed kick in the butt! It's an easy read that is well-structured, beautifully designed and full of 'aha' moments. I recommend this book to anyone who is looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle in a sustainable manner!“

    – Johanna T. [PR & Communications Expert]

Ignite Your Ignite Your
Inner Power Inner Power

Only 52 steps away from unlocking your full potenzial

This book is not the next motivational story. This is also not about learning how to control your energy. This book is about learning how to influence it. After all, you can’t control everything in your life, but you can influence it, and you can learn now how to do this!

your results


One book for a whole year

52 steps

52 weeks 52 steps 52 challenges


One chapter per week 1 challenge per week


Small steps leading you to huge changes!

Why Zoi wrote this book

Her life's mission is help people to discover, realize and live their true potential! At a first glance as a professional athlete, she wanted to write a book about how get into good shape. Then Zoi realized that the system she built over the last 10 years can be used not only to achieve a strong body and a good healthy psychological and physical condition. Better yet, this system can be applied to every area of your live. It doesn’t matter if you want to reshape your body, get more money, be more successful or dreaming of having … , you know, that one special thing you’ve been wishing for for such a long time. You really can have it all by just evolving one thing in your life: Your Energy. One day, something seems impossible. The next day, it feels like it’s already happening. That’s what it feels like when you have an energetic shift and access your healthy power.

/ about Zoi Georgie

Über Zoi Georgie

Zoi Georgie

Austria Nr. 1 Power Coach

Zoi Georgie is a certified coach with 10+ years of experience in the health industry, a businesswoman and an author. As a fitness-, health expert and a life coach she's committed to helping people to become the best versions of themselves and to live their happiest and healthiest lives. By applying her unique total-life strategy, she's comprising all aspects of living well, including nutrition, fitness, self-help and overall lifestyle. She helped many people igniting their inner power, now she can help you too!

"I teach my clients strategies and exercises which ignite their energy. When they're empowered, they're capable of creating the results they want. Change your energy: that's where all begins!"

what you get

  • You will start adopting routines that serve you!
  • You will learn to avoid behaviors that injure your psychological and physical state!
  • You will create practices that give you more energy than ever!
  • You will start taking actions to get what you really want!
  • You will explore the hidden power within you!
  • You will become more active!
  • You will learn how to influence your own thoughts!
  • You will manage your stress!

now free / Order the book "Ignite Your Inner Power" by Zoi Georgie!

Erfolgsbuch kostenlos: Zoi Georgie - Ignite Your Inner Power
normally 39.90 € for free today...
Sicher bestellen: Zoi Georgie / Ignite Your Inner Power

/ That's what readers say

 Full of energy

"As a certified trainer with +10 years of experience and an entrepreneur Zoi keeps her book practical, focused and without all those long stories about “Jack from Texas” or “Susan, 34 year old teacher". Zoi answers one simple yet very important question: how can I become a person that is full of energy? (And no, it’s not a double shot of espresso :)) Don’t waste your energy and start reading “Ignite your inner power” now!"

– Natalie K. [UX/UI designer George Labs from Erste Bank]

 Healthy eating and fitness habits

"After multiple failed tries over the past 10 years to develop healthy eating and fitness habits, I've turned to Zoi to try a different approach. This is exactly what I needed during the pandemic when I needed this support more than ever. What I've learned since then was that my mindset was more important than what everyone on the internet was telling me to do. I'm now not only physically stronger, but mentally as well, which has helped me throughout other parts of my life as well (For example my relationships and my business)."

– Lisa J. [Brand Designer and Illustrator]

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